Glider Emergency Medical Kit


– 1cc oral syringes (for meds)
– 3cc oral syringes (for feeding/meds/mixing)
– Gliderade (if pushing fluids)
– Pedialyte single and/or Pedialyte Pop (if pushing fluids)
– Baby Apple Juice (if pushing fluids)
– #5 French Catheter (force feeding)
– Chicken baby food (force feed or emergency loss of food supply or emergency evac)
– Mixed Veggies baby food (see above)
– 2 oz ceramic dish (mixing meds/feeding)
– Ensure (to mix meds with, if needed)
– Small box of Raisins (stuck in car with hungry glider)
– Honey

Evacuation/Travel Needs:

– Emergency candle w/ matches (provides heat and light if no electricity)
– Bottle of water (emergency evac or similar)
– Large fleece blankets sealed in Ziploc bags (for handling in emergency and/or to burrito a glider)
– Emergency Contacts Card (Vet, backup vet, emergency all night vet, animal poison line)
– Medical File (with medical records and weekly charts)
– Ink pen/pencil
– Cages (small rept for transport or hospital cage) always set up, actually.
– Zip bonding pouches, one for each cage (for quick transport)
– 4 oz water bottle (we all have to have something to drink out of!)
– Flashlight
– Feeding dishes (separation/evac needs)

E-Collars ( & More )

E-collars: prepared and labeled with name in advance
– Shot glass e-collars (for tail/cloaca/back-end SM
– Satellite e-collars (for fluffy gliders, or for non- tail/cloaca SM)
– Strong tape (to secure e-collars)
– Tube/trough bird feeders (feeding a glider in an e-collar)
– Hammock (glider in e-collar often cannot use reg. Pouch)
– Fleece blankets (for burrowing under while in hammock)
– Clothespins/split rings/lanyard hooks (to hang hammock)
– Mole foam & mole skin (for alterations and padding to e-collar)

Sanitary Supplies:

– Hand sanitizer/Germ-X
– Alcohol wipes (wound/hand cleaning)
– Rubber Gloves
– Mini roll of Paper towels

Wound Care:

– Single use regular Neosporin packs (for non-emergency/small wounds)
– Tri-tops antibiotic ointment (vet prescribed)
– Iodine swab sticks (wound sterilization)
– Baby Anbesol (pain relief)
– Lactated Ringers Solution (sterile saline flushes work also)
– 22 & 25 gauge needles (small needle if giving infrequent small sub-Q doses, large needle for opposite)
– 3cc & 10cc sterile syringes (for sub-Q)
– Bottle of 0.9 Sterile Saline (for flushing wounds, this is not the same as the sub-Q fluid sterile flushes)
– Sterile gauze pads (for wound cover/to clean wounds)
– Q-tips (to clean wounds/apply meds)
– Small adhesive tape (for splint)
– Vet wrap (split/wound cover)
– Toothpicks (splint)
– Large Soda Straws (protects tail from SM)

Miscellaneous, but still important:

– Emergency Credit card (very near by and easily accessible)
– Styptic powder or silver nitrate stick (for toe nails trimmed too short)
– Tweezers (you never know)
– Digital scale (good to know weight every week for medical file)
– Small scissors (in case I need to help with a quick escape and to cut loose threads as I see them)
– Side edge cut clippers (for trimming nails)
– KY jelly, plain (in case of boy trouble)
– Non-alcohol wipes (like baby wipes)
– Disposable ice pack (in case we need to make a dash to the vet in really hot weather)
– Hand Warmers and large disposable Heat pack (in case we need to dash to vets in cold weather)
– Human heating pad w/thermostat (just in case I can’t have a glider right on me, in medical emergency)
– Emergency kit Resupply Checklist (what do I need to restock?)