What to bring when you pick up your suggie:
- Carrier: If the place you’re adopting from doesn’t supply one you’ll want to pick up a carrier of some sort.
These are some good examples of carriers for transport in the car. The hard shell type of one is best as it will protect them better in the event of an accident. If you click the image it will take you directly to the page where you can purchase them. These are all pretty decent in size and relatively cheap as well. They make a good place to keep them while you’re doing a quick cage cleaning, too. – I like to have a yard or two of fleece to throw over their carrier as well to keep it ‘dark’ inside while we travel, helps them sleep better.
- Bonding Pouch: Sometimes they may be provided, but it may be good to have an extra on hand!Bonding pouches are good to have on hand, even if you have a carrier. They’re very secure, usually zippering shut and nice to have to wear around your neck, tuck under your coat or even into a large breathable purse. They’re the most common ‘mode of transportation’ for sugar gliders as they’re a safe and secure way to take them outside. You’ll want them double layered, though, so there are no exposed stitches inside. I prefer mine with mesh screen for air flow though some use grommets, too.
- Apple(Fruit) Slices: These allow suggies to stay hydrated. Apples are less messy, but other options work too.
Suggies get a good majority of their liquids through eating fresh fruits. They will suck the juice out of them and sometimes spit out pulpy pieces that are left behind. Apples are the ‘cleanest’ to travel with but peaches or melons might make nice juicy options as well. These are especially good to have on hand for longer drives in the car.
- Kleenex/Paper Towel/Hand Sanitizer: Sugar gliders are known for pottying where they please. It’s always good to have some of these on hand just in case.
Be careful about using scented stuff though, if you smell fruity odds are you’ll end up getting at LEAST nibbled, at most bit. Believe me, this is pretty standard. With some suggies you have to be careful about what body washes and shampoos you use, as well. They’re sensitive to smell.
What to do if you’re picking up at the airport:
- Bring Your ID!: You’ll need an ID, usually a drivers license, to pick up at the airport. You usually need to go to a cargo or luggage pick up desk and they’ll check your ID and make you sign a paper.
- Bring A Scizzors: Usually the crate is zip tied shut but you’ll likely want to check on them before you leave just to be absolutely safe. Just make sure they’re all in there and seem to be alright. (You can usually tell because they’ll often crab at you! I would after a long flight too, though. :P)
What do on the first few nights, they’re finally home!:
- Let them settle in!: You’ll want to give them a few days to get used to their new surroundings before trying to bond.
During this time it’s usually alright to offer some occasional treats, perhaps even licky treats(apple sauce, honey, etc off your finger tip) as well. They need some time to adapt to their new home, it may not seem like a big change to us but they’re much smaller and for them it’s a whole new cage, new toys, pouches, sounds and smells and new people, too. If you give them some time to settle down and adjust to their surroundings they will likely be much more calm and relaxed.
If you have any more questions about sugar gliders please feel free to take a look through the rest of this website, join our FB Group, we welcome any type of questions and we’re always happy to help out a new or potential sugar glider owner! 😀