These guidelines are just that. They are there to help plan meals throughout the week for your gliders to ensure they are getting a more balanced regime of produce but by no means should this list be treated as the only way, the best way, or proper way, just a simplified guideline for meal planning.
Every Day Fruits | Every Day Veggies |
Acerola | Buok Choy |
Carissa | Butternut Squash |
Casaba Melon | Cabbage |
Crab Apples | Chinese Cabbage |
Custard Apples | Coriander |
Java Plum | Endive |
Kumquat | Jew’s Ear |
Lemon | Jute |
Lime | Kale |
Mammy Apples | Lettuce (Red) |
Mullberries | Lettuce (Butterhead) |
Papaya | Mustard Spinach |
Persimmons | Okra |
Prickly Pears | Spaghetti Squash |
Rose Apple | Turnip Greens |
Roselle | Winter Squash |
Sapodilla | |
Saopte |
Intermediate Fruits | Intermediate Veggies |
Blackberries | Acorn Squash |
Boysenberries | Amaranth |
Figs | Beet Greens |
Gooseberries | Burdock Roots |
Grapefruit | Celery |
Jackfruit | Chicory Greens |
Jujube | Collard Greens |
Lemon Peel | Dandelion Greens |
Mandarin Oranges | Edamame(W/Out Salt) |
Mango | Green Beans |
Oranges | Lettuce(Dark Green) |
Orange Peel | Mustard Greens |
Pineapple | Parsley |
Pitanga | Radish |
Rose Hips | Snow Peas |
Tangerine | Spinach |
Turnip | |
Watercress | |
Yellow Wax Beans |
Occasional Fruits | Occasional Veggies |
Acai | Alfalfa Sprouts |
Apples | Asparagus |
Apricots | Artichoke |
Asian Pear | Avocado |
Bananas | Bamboo Shoots |
Blueberries | Beet Greens |
Breadfruit | Beets |
Cantaloupe | Black-Eyed Peas |
Carambola | Broccoli |
Cherimoya | Brussels Sprouts |
Cherries | Carrots |
Coconut | Cauliflower |
Cranberries | Chayote |
Currant | Corn |
Dates | Cow Peas |
Goji Berries | Cucumber |
Grapes | Dock |
Guava | Eggplant |
Honeydew | French Beans |
Kiwi | Ginger Root |
Longans | Green/Red Bell Pepper |
Louquats | Hominy |
Lychee | Jicama |
Nectarine | Kohlrabi |
Ohelo Berries | Lettuce (Romaine) |
Passion Fruit | Lima Beans |
Peaches | Lupines |
Pears | Mung Beans |
Plantain | Mushrooms |
Plums | Nana Cabbage |
Pomegranate | Parsnips |
Pomelo | Peas |
Prunes | Pumpkin |
Quince | Rutabagas |
Raspberries | Soy Beans |
Soursop | Summer Squash |
Strawberries | Sweet Peppers |
Sugar Apple | Sweet Potatoes |
Tamarind | Swiss Chard |
Tomatillo | Tofu |
Tomato | Yams |
Watermelon | Zucchini |