As a quick note before you read on, I would like to say that this is not meant to influence where you get your sugar gliders from, only to help you to make an informed decision based on what I, as a person who has adopted from CL numerous times, have learned about adopting from there. Please remember that all gliders need good homes and if you can find your match, be it from breeder, Craigslist, or other- go for it (after you have done research on them)! Please remember to deal locally, never seen money orders or give out personal information.
- You will be helping a glider (or more) in need of a home.
- You may be saving the life of a glider/more.
- You can get cheaper prices if you are persistent and can possibly talk them down on their pricing.
- You will have a great bond because you will likely have to work a little harder for it.
- They will sometimes come with a cage and some of the supplies that will be needed to start up with gliders. (examples: toys, pouches, wheels)
- Sometimes you can learn their back stories.
- You can find gliders in different age ranges if you are looking for a cage mate that is close in age.
- You can create your own post and have people look for you to re-home their gliders with instead of spending countless hours looking.
- You have higher odds of finding gliders locally.
- If you adopt from a good person you will be able to stay in touch with them if any questions arise.
You may find gliders that are already tame and easier to bond.
• Cons to Adopting from Craigslist •
- You won’t always get the full story or they may be misrepresented.
- They may not be tame when they come to you and may require extra work.
- They may not have been on a proper diet.
- You rarely get lineage.
- You don’t know if they have had prior vet care.
- You don’t have high odds of finding reasonably priced lineage joeys.
- The items that come with them may not be safe for gliders or the cage(s) may be too small- make sure to ask for measurements.